Aries horoscope for august 2021

Herkesi sarsacak bir dolunay

13 Ekim 2019
Bu gece yarısından sonra gerçekleşecek dolunay hemen hemen her burçta zorlayıcı etkiler yaratacak. Neyse ki bu durumlarla başetmek için başka yardımcı gezegenlerimiz var.

Üzücü anılar canlanabilirKOÇBurcunuzda gerçekleşen dolunay nedeniyle haftaya sıkı bir başlangıç yapacaksınız. Güç ve dönüşüm gezegeni Plüton, Ay ve Güneş arasında bir anlaşmazlık yaratıp üzücü anıların canlanmasına yol açabilir. Neyse ki, Jüpiter araya girip, bir çözüm bulmanızı sağlayarak günü kurtaracak.

Meditasyon için iyi zamanBOĞADolunay haritanızın en gizemli evini aydınlatacağından, neden kaynaklandığını bilmediğiniz duygusal çalkantılar yaşayabilirsiniz. Plüton, Ay ve Güneş’e karşı geleceğinden, kendinizi tanımak için çıktığınız yolda hissedecekleriniz sizi rahatsız edebilir. Meditasyon yapmak için ideal bir zamandasınız.

Arkadaşlarla gerginlik

Yazının Devamını Oku

Остается в Англии и изгнании

В середине 1930-х годов Сюзанна Штрассер дважды приезжала в Лондон, каждая на несколько летних недель. Там она работала по хозяйству в доме методистской церкви . В это время она связалась с людьми, связанными с ISK в Лондоне. Среди них Дженни и Уолтер Fliess, которая выбежала на вегетарианскую ресторан в городе Лондон, чтобы использовать излишки для поддержки немецкого сопротивления национал — социализма . Во время своего третьего пребывания в Англии в 1938 году она наконец поработала в этом ресторане. После присоединения Австрии к Третьему рейху в том же году она не вернулась в Вену.

Миллер пережил Вторую мировую войну в Лондоне. Там она принадлежала к эмигрантской социалистической среде. В эту группу входил Вилли Эйхлер , приехавший из Парижа в британскую столицу незадолго до начала войны . В годы войны здесь жила и работала давний председатель ISK Минна Шпехт . Еще одним лидером в этой группе была Мария Ходанн , бывшая жена реформатора секса и евгеника Макса Ходанна . Сама Сюзанна Миллер читала серию лекций женщинам из британского кооперативного движения и Национального совета труда в годы войны . Основным содержанием этих лекций были события на европейском континенте и особенно в Германии. С 1944 года Сюзанна Миллер больше не работала в вегетарианском ресторане, а вместо этого вместе с Вилли Эйхлер посвятила себя действительно политическим вопросам, в частности, написанию речей и политических концепций для послевоенной Германии.

Результатом их политической работы стали встречи с членами еврейских организаций, таких как «Бундистен», то есть с членами Всеобщего еврейского рабочего союза . Одним из таких знакомых был Шмуль Зигельбойм , который категорически выступал против создания Варшавского гетто и был членом польского правительства в изгнании в Лондоне. Воодушевленная этими встречами, Сюзанна Миллер позже опубликовала несколько публикаций о бундовцах.

До победы британцев в битве за Британию эмигранты опасались возможного вторжения Германии . В данном случае некоторые изгнанницы пытались скрыть свою личность: они вышли замуж, чтобы получить другое имя и британское гражданство . Сюзанна Штрассер заключила такой брак по расчету с Горацием Милтоном Сиднеем Миллером, английским офицером и лейбористским политиком, в сентябре 1939 года и с тех пор сохранила имя Миллер. Брак был расторгнут в июле 1946 года.

Академическая деятельность

После окончания учебы Сюзанна Миллер сначала думала о работе в библиотеке партийного руководителя СДПГ. Но она не реализовала эти планы. Она также не приняла предложение работать в Международном институте учебников в Брауншвейге . Она осталась в Бонне и в 1964 году стала сотрудником Комиссии по истории парламентаризма и политических партий . В этом неуниверситетском исследовательском учреждении она проработала всю свою дальнейшую профессиональную жизнь до 1978 года. Сначала она работала над исходными изданиями. Сюда входил военный дневник депутата социал-демократического рейхстага Эдуарда Давида и том источников по правительству народных представителей . Затем Миллер опубликовал исследования о развитии немецкой социал-демократии в Первой мировой войне и о первых правительствах, возглавляемых социал-демократией, в Веймарской республике . Первое из этих двух исследований, Burgfrieden и Klassekampf , до сих пор считается стандартной работой.

В 1974 году она опубликовала в короткую историю СДПГ вместе с Генрихом Potthoff . Этот шрифт был разработан для внутрипартийной воспитательной работы. В 2002 году вышло восьмое издание этого произведения, количество которого выросло с 350 до почти 600.

Your Horoscope by Susan Miller


September will have a quiet start. Mars has been touring your privacy sector (twelfth house) since July 29, putting you in the mood to rest and rejuvenate. This is a good idea, for the new moon of September 6 will underscore this theme. Once Mars moves into Libra on September 14, you won’t have a moment to rest. (More about Mars in Libra and its meaning in a moment.)

While you have a strong emphasis on your twelfth house, there are some superb ways to use this influence for your benefit. One way would be to have your annual medical checkup, always an important step to take and not to miss. The twelfth house also rules the subconscious mind and is considered the area of mental health and healing. Additionally, you might want to consult a professional therapist to discuss something that has been on your mind and perhaps troubled you during the ongoing pandemic. You can visit your therapist through teleconference now, so you would not have to leave home to get the help you might feel you need.

An emphasis on the twelfth house can also bring enormous productivity when working alone, behind closed doors. If you are a writer or researcher, fashion designer, actor, illustrator, painter, poet, editor, musician, composer, costume designer, or work in other creative fields, being alone will be a boon to your career. While others take vacations or slack off, you will be checking off your to-do list one item at a time and feeling like a million dollars with the beauty you will turn out.

When Mars enters Libra for the first time in two years, you will suddenly start to feel a sustained surge of energy. You will want to bolt out of the gate and run with the banner. In the first half of the month, build a strategy for something you dearly want to accomplish by this time—that is, birthday time—next year. Mars will give you an abundance of energy and drive that you will need and that you can harness to start to materialize your dream.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

Special dates for love include August 9 when Venus and Neptune will create a glamourous night.

August 11 will be special when Venus in Virgo will be in divine trine to Pluto (a heavenly aspect), and passion and love will boom.

Look to August 20 when Mercury and Uranus may set off a spontaneous trip for a long, fun weekend away.

Mercury (Virgo’s ruler) will be in Virgo starting August 11. Happily, Mercury will not be retrograde as it was in June, causing delays and mix-ups, but will go retrograde from September 26 to October 18. So Mercury will be strong for you in August.

This would be the ideal month to go for Botox or fillers, or to investigate a new luxury skin care brand that you have been thinking might work especially well. Go to your favorite salon, and have a fresh cut for the coming season. New clothes will be filling the stores and Internet for the next season too, so it’s the perfect time to shop for new wardrobe items. It’s rare to have Venus AND Mars in your sign, so shop in the first half of the month and you will love your purchases—get ready for the compliments to come!

Astrology,” published by Taschen, is the title of a book that traces the vibrant visual history of astrology. Taschen is renowned for their rich offering of fine art books. This book has over 400 images depicting various astrological images, going back to the Egyptian temples and extending up to contemporary art. Remarkably, no one has ever published a visual history of how astrology has been depicted through the ages, and it is fascinating to see.

When the author, Andrea Richards, and the editor of this luxury book, Jessica Hundley, called to ask if I would write the forward to the book, I was honored and humbled. They asked for two paragraphs, but I sent 1,800 words about my love of symbols in astrology. Jessica, the book’s editor, called to tell me she loved what I wrote and that she changing almost nothing.

This is a book you will want to keep in your library for years. Hardcover, it is 6.7 x 9.4 inches and has 520 pages.

The Los Angeles Times lauded this book, writing: “One comes away with an understanding of astrology’s place in history, pop culture, art, mythology and psychology.”

You can buy this book directly from Taschen for $40.00 US.

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До начала своей собственной компании в 1994 году, Миллер был вице — президентом Consumer Products Licensing на Warner Bros. — Она принесла Шари Льюис «s Lambchop и Друзья телевизионного собственность Warner Bros. и кредитуются как архитектор многонационального лицензирования и программа потребительских товаров. Она также руководила корпоративными программами лицензирования и лицензирования товарных знаков для Pillsbury , Sports Illustrated , Sports Illustrated for Kids , The Mrs. Fields Cookie Corp. , Pizza Hut , Burger King и 7Up . Миллер занимал должности по продажам и маркетингу в Xerox Corp. , Colgate-Palmolive и American Express .


После колледжа Миллер работал писателем о моде в универмаге Питтсбурга. За это время она написала черновик сценария для шоу Мэри Тайлер Мур и, увидев имя исполнительного продюсера Джеймса Л. Брукса в титрах шоу, позвонила Бруксу на CBS, чтобы представить сценарий. Вскоре после того, как Брукс отправил сценарий, она была отправлена ​​в Голливуд Гарри Маршаллом, чтобы стать младшим сценаристом «Странной пары» . Для Брукса она написала « Шоу Мэри Тайлер Мур» и спин- офф « Рода» . Она также продолжала писать для Мод , Барни Миллера и « Добро пожаловать, Коттер» .

За свою работу над специальным фильмом о Лили Томлин 1974 года , Лили Миллер была номинирована на премию «Эмми» за выдающийся сценарий комедии, эстрады или специального музыкального произведения. Один из продюсеров специального выпуска, Лорн Майклс , собирал сценаристов для « Субботней ночи в прямом эфире» и попросил Миллера присоединиться. Хотя она сначала отказалась, ее убедили присоединиться к первоначальному составу сценаристов шоу в возрасте 25 лет. Она была одной из трех женщин в штате, наряду с Энн Биттс и Рози Шустер .

На SNL письмо Миллера появилось в повторяющихся скетчах «Джуди Миллер» и «Ронда Вайс» , оба для Гильды Раднер . Она сотрудничала со Стивом Мартином и Дэном Эйкройдом над эскизами «Братья Фестранк» («Дикие и сумасшедшие»). Она также написала классический скетч «Танцы в темноте» для Рэднера и Мартина в 1978 году. За свою работу над SNL она выиграла две премии «Эмми» и получила три другие номинации, а также выиграла несколько премий Гильдии писателей Америки .

Миллер покинула штат SNL в 1979 году, чтобы работать над бродвейским ревю Раднера и фильмом « Gilda Live » с участием одной женщины . ″ После большей театральной работы она вернулась на еженедельное телевидение в качестве продюсера шоу Трейси Уллман , за которое получила еще одну премию «Эмми» за выдающиеся достижения. Сочинение в эстрадной или музыкальной программе в 1990 году. В 1991 году она была соисполнительным продюсером ненадолго возрожденного шоу Кэрол Бернетт .

В 1992 году Миллер диагностировали рак груди на поздней стадии. Позже в том же году она вернулась к писательскому составу SNL . В 1998 году она написала серию о раке груди для Мерфи Браун , получив премию Humanitas Prize . В 2001 году она выиграла свою третью премию Гильдии писателей за шоу, посвященное 25-летию SNL , « Saturday Night Live 25» .

Kilit gün salı

22 Eylül 2019
Hafta başında Satürn, Merkür’e kafa tutacağı için işler karışabilir. Ama salı günkü Jüpiter-Merkür uyumu her şeyi yoluna sokacak.

Aşk değil kariyerKOÇHaritanızın aşk evinde Venüs’le Merkür dans ediyor ama hayat sizi kariyer hedeflerinize odaklanmaya zorlayabilir. Özellikle cumartesi günü gerçekleşecek yeniayla birlikte işinizle ilgilenmek için disiplinli olmanız gerekecek.

Harekete geçinBOĞAAklınız başka yerlerde olsa da daha sıkı çalışmak konusunda üzerinizde dışarıdan gelen bir baskı hissedebilirsiniz. Okula devam ediyorsanız işlerinizi önemli tarihlere yetiştirebilmek için hemen harekete geçmeniz gerekebilir.

Romantik salı

Yazının Devamını Oku

Uranüs ve Merkür karşı karşıya gelirken…

6 Ekim 2019
Aslanlar bir sorgulamaya girecek, Başaklar yurtdışından önemli bir haber alacak, Akrepler ilişkide dengeyi bulacak.

KOÇFevri olmayınBu hafta parayla ilgili haberler sizi şaşırtabilir. Öte yandan, ilişkiler evinizdeki Güneş, kariyer evinizdeki kuralcı Satürn’e karşı geldiğinden ani hareketlerden kaçınmalısınız.

BOĞADaha sıkı bağlarİlişkiler evinizdeki Merkür sürpriz gezegeni Uranüs’e karşı gelirken, iş veya romantik partneriniz size beklenmedik bir haber verebilir. Aşk gezegeni Venüs bütün birebir ilişkilerinizde daha sıkı bir bağ kurmanızı sağlayacak.


Yazının Devamını Oku

Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You are about to see a wonderful boost to your career, including exceptional progress, for you will have loving assistance from the planets. Last month, you had Mars in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, so if you tried to push your career forward in August, you may have seen gratifying progress. To push yourself to the top of your industry, you’ll need a positive, encouraging new moon, one that is not flawed in any way—and it must appear in your tenth house of prestigious career progress, something that happens only once a year. Guess what? That’s precisely what you will have this glorious month.

On Monday, September 6, the new moon you need will arrive to open a portal of energy in the same career section of your chart. I am so enthusiastic for you because Uranus, the planet of surprise and sudden events, will send a friendly beam to the new moon and Sun. Here is the headline news: luckily, Uranus is based in your sixth house of work projects and assignments, and on September 6, Uranus will set up a link to the Sun and new moon in your tenth house of fame and honors. The daily work you’ve been doing is adding up to something big. You won’t have any indication that what I am saying is true until after the new moon appears on September 6.

This date has lots of goodies associated with it, and remember, a new moon is not for just a day but sets up a series of days, weeks, and months of opportunities for you. Those chances to make progress are always strongest within the ten days that follow that new moon. In your case, it will be imperative you jump on ways to promote yourself at work, or if you have your own business, to advertise, put out a press release, increase social media posts, or whatever you need to do to make others aware of your goods and services. If you work for an employer, make an appointment to find out what it will take for you to be given more responsibilities—what do you need to learn, or what experiences do you still need to be qualified for a promotion?

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Возобновление учебы, брак

После того, как в конце 1959 года была принята программа Годесберга, Сюзанна Миллер решила возобновить учебу, которую она прервала в 1934 году в возрасте восемнадцати лет. 45-летний мужчина изучал историю, политологию и образование в Боннском Рейнском университете имени Фридриха Вильгельма в 1960 году . Примерно через два с половиной года обучения она начала готовиться к диссертации . Вместе с Карлом Дитрихом Брахером она защитила докторскую диссертацию в 1963 году, защитив диссертацию о разработке партийных программ немецкой социал-демократии. В этом исследовании она проанализировала развитие программы от Фердинанда Лассаля и Всеобщей немецкой ассоциации рабочих до Эдуарда Бернштейна и спора о ревизионизме в 1890-х годах. Свою работу она посвятила Минне Шпехт.

В октябре 1965 года она вышла замуж за Вилли Эйхлера, что дало ей немецкое гражданство в 1967 году .

Haftasonuna kadar dikkat!

3 Kasım 2019
Geçen hafta yeniayla birlikte başlayan sıkıntılı dönem, bu haftasonuna doğru yumuşamaya başlıyor. Bütün burçlara sabır, anlayış ve daha fazla empati gerekiyor.

Önemli kişilerle anlaşmazlıkKOÇBire bir ilişkilerinizde önemli konumdaki kişilerle anlaşmazlık yaşayabilirsiniz. Bir iş ortağınız varsa, aranızda bir konuda ayrılık çıkabilir ya da birinizin kendini öne çıkarma çabaları diğerinizin sinirine dokunabilir.

Öğrenci misiniz?BOĞAHafta başında yurtdışı kaynaklı zorluklar yaşayabilirsiniz. Yahut öğrenciyseniz, bir sınava hazırlanmak için konsantre olmakta zorlanabilirsiniz. Şanslısınız ki Cuma günü Güneş sizi rahatlatacak.

Yazının Devamını Oku

Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

As an Aquarian, you have your own yardstick for success—that is your key to confidence. You don’t particularly care what other people think, but rather it is your assessment of what you are doing that counts. You are acutely aware of current events and the feelings of others in the world, the reason Aquarius is called the sign of the brotherhood of man and the sign most likely to form groups to combat suffering of those in the community or the world at large who have been marginalized and overlooked.

A typical Aquarian is not overly concerned about money because you feel that if you concentrate and work hard and smart, always in the spirit of innovation and creativity, the money will flow to you naturally. You are right, and it has always been that way. That’s why this month is a bit of an anomaly—you will be fairly obsessed with making money, saving money, your credit rating, and how you approach spending.

The new moon on September 6 will kick off this trend. It will appear in Virgo, 15 degrees, your eighth house of other people’s money. This new moon is outstandingly favorable, and the tightest, closest aspect will come from Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, suggesting you may get money from family that you don’t see coming. This would be true even if you have never received money from your parent or other relatives before. The fact that Uranus is your ruler only strengthens this aspect to a powerful level. Looking at your chart, it could be that you are saving up money in order to buy a house or condo, and your windfall from family might be to help you toward achieving that end.

You might see income from other sources, but with Uranus based in your fourth house, it seems to be closely tied to either family or real estate at the core. If you are selling property, you will also do well—your timing could not be better. Make sure the buyer is pre-approved from the bank, and set the closing date either for the first half of September or near October 31, your best date. If you are a real estate broker, your commission this month (coming just after the new moon September 6) could easily turn out to be hefty.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

The full moon on September 20 will also draw your attention to money, this time from a different part of the chart, your second house of salary and other earned income. If you asked for a raise, you’ll get your answer now. If you are interviewing for a new job, the negotiation happens now and will finalize quickly.

Neptune will be conjunct the full moon, so if you are finishing up a major artistic project, you will do well and likely love the project. This would be the best manifestation of this full moon. On the other hand, if you are about to enter a major undertaking (not artistic—Neptune rules the arts), ask a lawyer to look at the contract. Neptune can obscure facts or present confusing terms. You need a second pair of eyes to look over the language in the contract’s clauses—this is something you must not rush.

Mercury is about to retrograde from September 26 to October 18, so if possible, sign papers very soon or next month—my ideal day to recommend would be October 31. If delaying the signing means you would lose the job or the apartment (as two examples), then you must sign even if Mercury is retrograde. Realize that you may not be in that situation you are going into for very long. (You won’t likely stay in the new apartment or the new job very long, to follow up these two examples.) You may be okay with that, and you may see this opportunity as a steppingstone to something even better.

Astrology,” published by Taschen, is the title of a book that traces the vibrant visual history of astrology. Taschen is renowned for their rich offering of fine art books. This book has over 400 images depicting various astrological images, going back to the Egyptian temples and extending up to contemporary art. Remarkably, no one has ever published a visual history of how astrology has been depicted through the ages, and it is fascinating to see.

When the author, Andrea Richards, and the editor of this luxury book, Jessica Hundley, called to ask if I would write the forward to the book, I was honored and humbled. They asked for two paragraphs, but I sent 1,800 words about my love of symbols in astrology. Jessica, the book’s editor, called to tell me she loved what I wrote and that she changing almost nothing.

This is a book you will want to keep in your library for years. Hardcover, it is 6.7 x 9.4 inches and has 520 pages.

The Los Angeles Times lauded this book, writing: “One comes away with an understanding of astrology’s place in history, pop culture, art, mythology and psychology.”

You can buy this book directly from Taschen for $40.00 US.

Click here to order:

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

Romantically, you are lucky to have had Venus move into your sign on August 15 to stay until September 10. As you see, love for you will be best at the start of the month. Watch what happens when love-me planet Venus is in sync (a trine) with good-fortune Jupiter on September 6. Be sure to socialize on that evening, for if you are single, you have excellent chances of meeting someone special that you will want to know better.

Keep in mind that you have Mars in Libra too, after September 14 and through most of October, so your magnetism will be quite high.

Mercury will retrograde in Libra from September 26 to October 18, so be sure to get all your most vital initiations and purchases done in the first half of the month for best results. If you want to sign a contract, hurry it along—this must be done before Mercury goes retrograde or be delayed until next month.

This year, 2021, Jupiter will spend a great deal of time in your truelove sector (fifth house) until December 29. This is the first time you’ve had Jupiter’s help in 12 years! With Venus in Libra, signaling Jupiter in Aquarius on September 6, you must circulate. If you have already found your one truelove, go out on September 6—you will bond closer on this magical night for love.

Astrology,” published by Taschen, is the title of a book that traces the vibrant visual history of astrology. Taschen is renowned for their rich offering of fine art books. This book has over 400 images depicting various astrological images, going back to the Egyptian temples and extending up to contemporary art. Remarkably, no one has ever published a visual history of how astrology has been depicted through the ages, and it is fascinating to see.

When the author, Andrea Richards, and the editor of this luxury book, Jessica Hundley, called to ask if I would write the forward to the book, I was honored and humbled. They asked for two paragraphs, but I sent 1,800 words about my love of symbols in astrology. Jessica, the book’s editor, called to tell me she loved what I wrote and that she changing almost nothing.

This is a book you will want to keep in your library for years. Hardcover, it is 6.7 x 9.4 inches and has 520 pages.

The Los Angeles Times lauded this book, writing: “One comes away with an understanding of astrology’s place in history, pop culture, art, mythology and psychology.”

You can buy this book directly from Taschen for $40.00 US.

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  • News from Susan Miller — September 2021
  • Table of Mercury Retrograde Dates to Year 2030
  • How to Deal with Eclipses

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Zirveleri test ediyoruz

15 Eylül 2019
Bu hafta hırs gezegeni Mars, güç ve dönüşüm gezegeni Plüton’la işbirliği yapıyor. Haliyle neredeyse tüm burçlar özellikle profesyonel hayatlarındaki fırsatlara odaklanacak.

KOÇİşte olumlu gelişmelerProfesyonel hayatınızda önemli gelişmelerin eşiğindesiniz. Mars-Plüton bağlantısı olumlu bir dönüşüm için gösterdiğiniz çabaları perçinleyecek ve belki de kariyerinizi değiştirmenize ya da şimdiki işinizde yükselmenize yardım edecek.BOĞAYurtdışına gidebilirsinizSanatçıysanız ya da yaratıcılık gerektiren bir iş yapıyorsanız yurtdışına gidebilir ya da sosyal medya aracılığıyla çalışmalarınızı geniş kitlelere gösterebilirsiniz. Ayrıca önemsediğiniz bir sosyal konuda bağış kampanyasına katılabilirsiniz.

Yazının Devamını Oku


Сьюзан Миллер — президент Cupcake Digital Inc. , фирмы, известной созданием цифровых интерактивных приложений-историй, которые включают образовательные аспекты и придерживаются инициативы Common Core State Standards Initiative . Приложения Cupcake Digital с тремя режимами чтения, профессиональным повествованием и обучающими играми оживляют старых персонажей и обучают детей таким концепциям обучения, как распознавание слов и звуков.

Она также является соучредителем компании Bolder Media, Inc. , которая специализируется на разработке книг, телесериалов, цифровых медиа и фильмов для мальчиков и девочек. Она является со-исполнительным продюсером популярного мультсериала Ника-младшего Wow! Вот Это Да! Wubbzy!

Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

All through the month, keep your health strong, as others will be depending on you, and yet you might well feel at times bruised by the harsh aspects in the days that come after the new moon August 8. After August is over, you will have a measure of truth you didn’t have before, and knowing is always better than not knowing.

Here is the good news—things will brighten enormously at the full moon, August 22. The very person who seemed unsympathetic to all that you were coping with during early August might just be the one who shows a new awareness and will want to help you at this full moon. This full moon will be conjunct good-fortune Jupiter—a remarkably beneficial aspect that could erase much of the tension you felt earlier. The person who will be most helpful to you could be your spouse, steady sweetheart, or a collaborator at work, such as your business partner, accountant, lawyer, manager, agent, or other expert you had hired to help you get ahead.

Although August arrives like a roaring tornedo, it leaves with a soft, beautiful sunset, full of color, beauty, and poetry. Have faith, dear Leo—you can handle anything that comes up, and ultimately, you will be moving in the right direction.

Astrology,” published by Taschen, is the title of a book that traces the vibrant visual history of astrology. Taschen is renowned for their rich offering of fine art books. This book has over 400 images depicting various astrological images, going back to the Egyptian temples and extending up to contemporary art. Remarkably, no one has ever published a visual history of how astrology has been depicted through the ages, and it is fascinating to see.

When the author, Andrea Richards, and the editor of this luxury book, Jessica Hundley, called to ask if I would write the forward to the book, I was honored and humbled. They asked for two paragraphs, but I sent 1,800 words about my love of symbols in astrology. Jessica, the book’s editor, called to tell me she loved what I wrote and that she changing almost nothing.

This is a book you will want to keep in your library for years. Hardcover, it is 6.7 x 9.4 inches and has 520 pages.

The Los Angeles Times lauded this book, writing: “One comes away with an understanding of astrology’s place in history, pop culture, art, mythology and psychology.”

You can buy this book directly from Taschen for $40.00 US.

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Daily Astrology Zone

With our new subscription service you get forecasts for your sign each day of the year from the top astrologer in the world. Subscribe Now

New Articles from Susan

  • News from Susan Miller — September 2021
  • Table of Mercury Retrograde Dates to Year 2030
  • How to Deal with Eclipses

More from Susan

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С 1996 года Миллер представляет дизайнера и автора Сандру Магсамен . В 2008 году Wal-Mart стал лицензионным партнером брендов «From the Studio of Sandra Magsamen» и «Wishes and Kisses».

Миллер также добилась успеха на книжном рынке, где она создала множество многомиллионных издательских программ с множеством клиентов и собственности, включая Meredith Corporation , Time, Inc. , Scholastic , Harper Collins , Viacom , Marvel , The Mrs. Fields Cookie. Corp. , чемпионка мира по фигурному катанию Мишель Кван и актеры Уилл Смит и Джада Пинкетт Смит . Первый книжный проект Миллера «Книга о печенье миссис Филдс» стал бестселлером New York Times. Книга Уилла Смита « Только двое из нас» была удостоена награды NAACP Image Award как лучшая детская книга года. Овца Рассел и Кот Сплат — бестселлеры New York Times, изданные Харпер Коллинз и переведенные по всему миру.

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